Everybody's Looking for Community...

Happy Thursday, Sweet People!!

In June, Sweetpea Lifestyle will celebrate 16 years of writing on the internet and helping people find community around their table.


But guess what?

For most of the sixteen years, I've felt like people didn't hear me, wanted to listen, or didn't care about hosting people in their homes. They want easy recipes that are delicious and don't use a lot of ingredients.

Yay! Great!

Until last summer, my Instagram exploded with floods of people "coming over" for Hosting Essentials.

I thought it wouldn't last, and it was a one-and-done thing.

Nope! Y'all. FINALLY people are craving and needing the tools and tips I preach. ((Super Yay!!!))

Recently, I shared my "Game Plan" tool when I hosted a dinner party. I've shared about this little printable for YEARS... I scratched it out on paper in 2016... and then got smart and made it into a printable version in 2017.

((Tap this link, and it will download for you! No extra subscribing!))

Well, a quick video on the Gram is making people have the "Ah-Ha! Moment" and download this little one-page wonder!

All this to say, I'm SUPER proud of Sweetpea right now. Thanks for being here and cultivating this community with me! I appreciate y'all!

((If you're new here, I am so thrilled to have you!!))

Another WIN: I'm the "Cook to Follow" in the most recent edition of Allrecipes Magazine! People are slowly finding it in their bookstores or groceries. I have yet to see it in the wild here in Asheville!

I've added a couple of new recipes on my website that I think you will absolutely LOVE.

Seasoned Saltines are so addictive and yummy!! I recently remade them with the mini Club Crackers and Mini Saltines... YUM.

Cheesy Hot Pizza Dip is so so good! It's a bit of a chaotic recipe in that it's meant to help you clean out your fridge of odd cheese and marinara sauce you've got hidden... Just try it! You won't be disappointed.

Alright, Cute People! That's all I've got for you today!

Cheers to a lovely weekend!



Hi! I'm Ashley!

👩‍🍳 Easy Recipes that Gather People 🥰 Making Life Simple and Tasty 🎀 Ringing in the NEW Southern Belle

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