Hello, Long Lost Sweet Friends! Did you miss me?? Probably not, y’all! 😜 As lots of things change in our internet world, I’m *trying* to adapt along with it. If you’re new to my list, Hello! I’m Ashley! I’ve been creating content on the internet for the last 17 years. What started as a holistic blog evolved into a recipe blog and is not evolving even more! This year, I’m changing my blogging strategy. When I started this “game,” you didn’t depend on what Google and search engines needed — you...
11 days ago • 2 min read
All right, people, life is weird these days. Anyone else?! (If you're in the WNC area, yes, it's weird.) I'm trying to wrap my head around scrapping my Q4 content plan and doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing. I've gone through my thousands of photos and compiled all the posts I haven't published, thinking that could be a good use of my time?! These Caesar Chicken Wings are worth the minimal effort, and the Caesar dressing recipe is just sensational on its own. I've shared a video for this...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Dear Ones, ((It's taking me days to write this email... I keep not sending it, and you sweet people keep writing in to check on me and my family! Y'all are so dear!)) Many of you know I live and breathe my hometown of Asheville, NC. I was born and raised, and I still live in this beautiful city. Driving out of town, I had tears streaming down my cheeks while I evacuated my darling town. It looks like the worst apocalyptic scene you've ever seen. What you see on the news is nowhere close to...
5 months ago • 1 min read
Alright, people, I've got several new recipes for you! When I meet people in real life and I tell them what I do, this is the conversation: "Oh, neat! So, what's your favorite place to eat?" "Well, I like lots of places, but as a food blogger, I develop recipes that help people gather around the table easier." "Okay, so what does that mean?" "I create recipes that are so simple you'll actually enjoy your party. And you won't end up with a fridge and pantry full of weird ingredients you'll...
6 months ago • 1 min read
Happy Wednesday! At the end of June, I sent a rather melodramatic email about how I'm tired I am of content creators who are ME focused. ((I'm tired for more than just that reason!)) I sent a quick little survey, and y'all delivered! I like to think I know my audience really well, so I assumed the results going in were going to be emailed once a week with a little bit of everything, and no one is interested in a paid subscription. << BINGO! Nailed it. But the comments were my favorite part!!...
8 months ago • 2 min read
Happy (almost) June, y'all! June is a great time to relax and recharge, gearing up for the summer season. New on the blog is this Alice Springs Chicken Sweet Potato Fries recipe! It's a mouthful to say AND eat! But, y'all!! It is a scrumptious way to eat leftover chicken! Company's Coming! These are my FIVE go-to recipes! Some of y'all have enjoyed these! LTK account! I love using LTK! If you're into cute things, entertaining at-home finds, semi-expensive taste with a little bit of Amazon...
10 months ago • 1 min read
Hi, Friends! It's May, so people are cramming everything into 31 days, and you're just trying to keep your head above water! I have some meals for you that will make your life much easier! First, this chili recipe is so easy. It's very filling and could definitely be a slow-cooker meal. Make a big batch of this chili and eat it for dinner with sour cream, cheese, and cornbread! The next day, it's great served with crunchy chips like nachos! Roasted Cranberry Chicken is a baked chicken dish...
10 months ago • 1 min read
Happy Wednesday!! Let's get this dinner party started! I'm sharing 2 easy recipes you can serve this weekend and enjoy a lovely meal with some friends around your table. Caprese Caesar Salad is my go-to salad recipe to serve at a dinner party. Why?! First, it's a "looker!" The croissant croutons on top with the bright tomatoes and mozzarella balls make this salad shine. It helps to serve a salad on a big platter, adding to the wow factor—instead of a big bowl where everything is piled on top...
11 months ago • 1 min read
Happy Thursday, Sweet People!! In June, Sweetpea Lifestyle will celebrate 16 years of writing on the internet and helping people find community around their table. SIXTEEN YEARS, Y'all! But guess what? For most of the sixteen years, I've felt like people didn't hear me, wanted to listen, or didn't care about hosting people in their homes. They want easy recipes that are delicious and don't use a lot of ingredients. Yay! Great! Until last summer, my Instagram exploded with floods of people...
11 months ago • 1 min read